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Women’s History Month Spotlight: Inflight Training Instructor Tiffany Brown

March 14, 2024

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Inflight Training Instructor Tiffany Brown

March is Women’s History Month – a time to celebrate women’s contributions to our nation and communities. It’s also a time to recognize our team members and highlight their stories in the aviation industry and beyond.

Today, we present Inflight Training Instructor Tiffany Brown, a 20-year PSA veteran who started as a flight attendant and held various roles throughout her tenure.

In honor of Women’s History Month, we talked with Tiffany about her love for Inflight, her heroes, and the advice she gives to those who aspire to have longevity in their careers.

What was your journey to aviation and PSA?

I started with US Airways in 1999. But shortly after 9/11, I was furloughed. There was an opportunity at PSA Airlines to apply for a flight attendant position. And here I am, almost 20 years later.

As an Inflight Instructor, what impact do you feel you have in the Inflight Department?

I feel my impact on women in the aviation industry is significant and valuable. I have the opportunity to empower, support, and inspire everyone to reach their full potential and succeed in their careers.

You’ve been with PSA for 20 years. What’s the secret to longevity, what motivates you, and what do you love most about the aviation industry?

A healthy work-life balance is paramount to longevity in all endeavors that I am a part of. I incorporate these principles and a positive attitude into my work and enjoy making a difference in each person I encounter. Graduation day for New Hire Flight Attendants has to be the most motivating aspect of my job. The trainees and their excitement of walking on the aircraft for the very first time takes me back to 2004 each time.

In light of Women’s History Month, who are your heroes or women you admire, and why?

My hero is my grandmother because she always reminded me that the sky is the limit. No matter how great or small a situation may be, you can overcome anything.

What advice do you have for women and girls who aspire to be where you are in your career?

My advice to any girl or young lady is that you can work on the plane, you fix the plane, you can build the plane, and you can even fly it. You are limitless in the sky. I was not aware early in life of the many opportunities that are available to women and minority women. I didn’t grow up thinking I could ever become a flight attendant, and I never dreamed of becoming a pilot. As an aviation professional, I have found that the aviation industry has limitless possibilities for us!

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