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The Faces of PSA Featuring Jimmy Davis

January 10, 2023

The Faces of PSA Featuring Jimmy Davis

“The Faces of PSA” latest featured team member is Jimmy Davis!

PSA’s Internal Communications Specialist, Maggie Short, had a chance to interview Jimmy regarding the impacts of COVID-19 on the aviation industry and how he’s been able to assist our OCC team during this time.

Read more of Jimmy’s story below:

Name: Jimmy Davis

Title: Safety Specialist

How long have you worked for PSA? Four years

How long have you been in the airline industry? Where did you work before PSA? My first airline job was as a Dispatcher with CCAir in Charlotte for six years. We operated as a commuter for US Airways to many of the same cities now being served by PSA. I left the airline to concentrate on school and finish my pilot certifications. I worked as a Flight Instructor and flew for a Part 135 cargo carrier for about 10 years before going to Piedmont Airlines to work in ramp operations. I was then hired as a First Officer for another regional carrier but had to resign from flying due to vertigo issues.

What brought you to PSA? I was looking for ways to get back into aviation and wanted to get into the safety side of the business, but with my experience, most of the offers I got were in dispatch roles. I knew a few pilots here, talked to them, and liked Ohio so I decided to make the move to be a Dispatcher and Coordinator here.

Give us a brief overview of what you do: I work with the Pilot and Dispatch ASAP programs processing and investigating the root causes of reports filed by our pilots and dispatchers. I ensure when an obvious compliance issue is reported by either group, the other is informed and given the opportunity to file a report if one has not already been filed. I am also involved in our Emergency Response program, working with the FAA and NTSB as needed.

You recently stepped in to assist with work in our OCC during the COVID-19 situation. How did that come about? Since I spent my first two and a half years here as a Dispatcher and Coordinator, my first day in the Safety Department was during the IT outage event we experienced in 2018. Several of us from Safety who had experience in the OCC went over to help out as we could. As a result, the company has allowed me to maintain currency in Dispatch, should the need arise. When the COVID-19 event happened, the OCC staff (Dispatch, Scheduling, and Maintenance) was hit hard, and I was asked if I would be willing to help out in Dispatch. I was happy to be able to do so in any way I could.

What has stood out the most about working in the OCC? I was able to see firsthand just how much this event has touched our business. Seeing the amount of canceled flights due to low demand was eye-opening as to just how seriously this pandemic has affected not just us, but our entire industry.

What is one of the biggest challenges of your job? Cutting down on delays in reporting when an event occurs versus when we are able to notify the affected individuals.

Where’s your favorite place you have traveled to? I’ve been to Trinidad several times. I really enjoy the Caribbean culture. In the Air Force, I was stationed in the UK and would love to go back to see Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

What do you love about working for PSA? Despite having more than 5,000 team members, this company is still small enough that we’re able to develop close working relationships with the executives and management, allowing for a special working environment.

Would you recommend PSA and why? Absolutely. It has been an enjoyable place to work the past four years, and I see it only getting better. Our relationship with American means we will still be a part of their future.

Tell us one thing about your role most people don’t know: Most people outside of Safety do not know of my involvement with the Emergency Response Program. One of the things I get to do is write our quarterly drill packages. It gives a chance to use my creative writing skills in trying to make up scenarios that are complicated, yet realistic to ensure our teams are prepared.

What has been the most rewarding part of your job? Helping to ensure that our Pilot and Dispatch groups are able to do their jobs in a safe and compliant manner. I get to play a part in shaping and making changes to the policies and procedures that keep our team members and customers safe.

Tell us something few people know about you: Prior to ending my career in 2016, I officiated ice hockey for 35 years, including 11 seasons of minor professional hockey.

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