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Pride Month Spotlight: Morgan Scott “It’s been so exciting to have my own personal tie to this incredible month”

January 10, 2023

Pride Month Spotlight: Morgan Scott “It’s been so exciting to have my own personal tie to this incredible month”

Throughout the month of June, we’ve been spotlighting our team members who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. We are honored to share the stories of our team members who are living their true selves like Morgan Scott, Marketing Coordinator. Read about her journey of self-discovery and inspiration through her Q&A.

Tell us a little bit about your background

My name is Morgan Scott and I’m from Dayton, OH. I went to Stivers School for the Arts with creative writing and band as my magnets. As I went on to college, and in many water cooler conversations at my “big girl” jobs post-college, I grew to find my middle/high school experience was unique. We were encouraged to show up fully in our school work, our crafts, and most importantly, as ourselves. This aided in cultivating the framework of how I believe I view the world today.

Prior to working in aviation, I was a recruiter for a convenience store chain. With the help of a former coworker, I made an industry switch and became a recruiter with CommutAir (partially owned by United Airlines). Along the way, I noticed I had a real passion for creating ideas to use during our flight attendant open houses and for recruiting events. I loved brainstorming, creating content, and knew I wanted to make it my primary focus for work.

Not long after I recognized my passion for creating social media content, I pursued opportunities of my own on the side. I was able to do work for friends and took referrals from people to build my portfolio. In 2019, my desire to work in a career I loved finally happened!, I joined PSA in May of that year as the Marketing Coordinator. As Marketing Coordinator, my primary focus is to share stories of our team members in authentic and creative ways via PSA’s social media and other external channels.

Tell us about your experiences with being part of the LGBTQ+ community. Are you involved in any organizations?

I’ve only recently become a member of the LGBTQ+ community. After a pretty rough breakup from a four-year relationship, I took about a year to really reflect on myself. It was in this time that I realized I hadn’t been showing up as myself fully. During this year of discovery, I went with another coworker to a Pride ride at a CycleBar in support of our coworker, Ashely Gardner, where she’s an instructor. She had just “come out” herself and had this presence about her that felt different. She was beaming and happy in a way I had never seen before. It was so inspiring! So much so, I really started to look inward.

In November of 2020, I powered up the “swipe left, swipe right” dating machines on my phone, but this time with preferences set to connecting with women. At first, I was so nervous about other people finding out, mostly due to potential negative feedback. But, I soon realized, that didn’t matter. I had made connections, both platonic and romantic, that I had never experienced before. Making these connections were so easy and fun!

It wasn’t until February of this year that I was comfortable enough to really stand in my power and own that there actually wasn’t anything worth hiding about who I authentically connect with. I started openly dating women and it eventually landed me in my most happy and successful relationship to date. Only a year later, I have found my own happiness within myself that was inspired by a coworker-turned-friend in deciding to be her full authentic self. I am forever grateful for it.

Have you faced challenges or received support (or both)?

Overall, my experience has been positive. I identify as bisexual and I’ve learned that carries certain stigmas that can be limiting, hurtful or downright wrong. In spite of others’ beliefs or feelings towards how I identify, I’ve found that I’m even more steadfast and confident in who I am than ever before. I’ve gotten great love and support from family and friends. It’s come with questions as this is really new for all of us.

I have noticed that my empathy for others has grown deeper as I’m learning more about my LGBTQ+ history, domestic and abroad. It’s also opened my eyes to how so many within the LGBTQ+ community are silenced and their stories aren’t sought after to be told. These stories are so worthy of being shared and accurately articulated by the individuals leading in them.

It’s been in these moments where I recognize and own my privilege of being a “passing” cis/het Black woman. There are so many people within the LGBTQ+ community, specifically those that have varying intersections of social categorizations (i.e. Trans and differently-abled communities) that endure trauma simply because of who they are. That’s wrong – period. Everyone’s experience of “coming out” isn’t as well-received as mine was and it shouldn’t be that way. I’m happy to continue to advocate for those groups who aren’t able to be as visible or aren’t invited for a seat at the table. Hopefully, we will all be able to take up space and everyone feels safe and welcomed to show up as their full selves one day.

What does Pride Month mean to you?

This is my first time celebrating Pride being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I’ve always been an ally of the community and in support of anyone’s well-being and happiness as long as it’s not at cost to someone else. It’s been so exciting to have my own personal tie to this incredible month celebrating and honoring the triumphs and sacrifices of those who have made it possible for me to even be “out,” loud and proud!

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