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Pride Month Spotlight: Devin Stears: ‘It’s a time to hope for a world where we can all live in peace and harmony despite our differences’

January 10, 2023

Pride Month Spotlight: Devin Stears: ‘It’s a time to hope for a world where we can all live in peace and harmony despite our differences’

June is Pride Month and we are honored to tell the stories of personal journeys like the one Devin Stears shares with us. Devin has been a Flight Attendant with PSA for more than five years and is thankful to work in such a diverse environment and inclusive culture.

Devin grew up in a small town in Kentucky that had no stoplights, with just 75 students in his graduating class. While he wouldn’t trade his upbringing for anything, he’s glad he made the decision to leave and explore the world.

While his parents and many friends have loved and supported him through the years, Devin said his journey hasn’t been easy. He said one of the biggest challenges he’s faced being a member of the LGBTQ+ community is keeping his confidence while others have tried to take it away.

Despite all of the bad he’s faced, Devin said he has remained true to the promise he made to himself after his brother’s death, that no matter how mean life was to him, he would never let it make him a mean or bitter person.

“I realize that without the bad, I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the good,” he said. Devin is proud to say he’s more confident in who he is today than ever before and all his challenges have made him mentally and emotionally stronger.

Pride Month is a time the LGBTQ+ community can celebrate progress, but also go forward as a society to put a rest to all types of injustices toward all minority groups, Devin said.

“Pride to me is not just a month to be ‘loud and proud’ of who I am, It’s a time to hope for a world where we can all live in peace and harmony despite our differences, with love in our hearts for all living things,” he said.

Devin would like to become more involved with organizations to help combat the hatred and oppression that the LQBTQ+ community still faces.

“It makes me want to be more involved, stop sitting in silence, stand up for what I believe is right and let our voices be heard,” he said.

PSA’s DEI initiatives are important to Devin, because they remind him it’s OK to be himself. He feels supported and like he has allies when he sees fellow team members wearing a pride pin. Devin believes in the culture so much that he encouraged his partner to join him as a Flight Attendant so they can travel the world together. Nick is finishing up his training.

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