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Flight Crew Turned Guardians for Honor Flight

January 9, 2023

Flight Crew Turned Guardians for Honor Flight

On Saturday, October 26th, a few of our PSA team members were able to help create an unforgettable experience for 106 deserving veterans. Alexander Hernandez (FA), Scott Spires (CA), and Evan Maxwell (CA) participated in Honor Flight Dayton as Guardians. As part of this event, Guardians are an integral part of ensuring veterans are able to be fully immersed in the day’s events from start to finish. Scott shared, “It is such a great organization that gives veterans the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. – typically for the very first time. ”

This event began in Dayton, Ohio, where veterans and Guardians board an aircraft to Reagan Nation Airport in Washington D.C. Once the group arrives in D.C., everyone headed over to Arlington National Cemetery for the Changing of the Guard ceremony. In addition, participants visited the Air Force, Vietnam, Korean, Lincoln, and WWII Memorials. After a full day, veterans and Guardians caught a flight back to Dayton. As soon as the veterans deplaned, they were cheered on by passengers at their gates as they made their way to the ticketing area for a welcome reception. Anyone in the local Dayton area was invited to this reception to celebrate these veterans – many of which never received the ‘welcome home’ they earned during their time of service.

Although this experience is centered around honoring these war veterans, the Guardians were awarded with an incredibly impactful experience as well. “I felt compelled to graciously give back to our fellow veterans, who sacrificed their time, but most importantly, their lives to serve our great nation,” said Alexander, an Air Force veteran himself.

Scott recalled just how special this event was made by being his grandfather’s Guardian. “Once my grandfather was selected for a flight, I knew right away that I wanted to be there with him to share this special event. It was very easy to see how much this day meant to all of them. Everywhere we went, they were greeted with and given so much respect and appreciation. So much that we were even given police escorts through the heavy DC traffic”, Scott said.

PSA’s involvement with Honor Flight Dayton goes beyond just one day. “We [PSA] have been working with Honor Flight for the past couple years through our golf outing,” Scott shared. In the summer, PSA hosts a golf outing for team members and vendors to sponsor Honor Flight Dayton. Proceeds from registration fees and raffle prizes go towards funding the D.C. excursion for as many veterans as possible to attend.

PSA thanks our flight crew for participating in this event and all of the veterans who participated in Honor Flight Dayton for your service!

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