Stay Current PSA Newsroom

Faces of PSA: Meet Jane Covitz

January 9, 2023

Faces of PSA: Meet Jane Covitz

Name: Jane Covitz

Title: Base Administrator for Chief Pilots

How long have you worked for PSA? Two-and-a-half years

How long have you been in the airline industry? Where did you work before PSA? I have been in the aviation industry for 20 years. For 17 of those years, I worked with US Airways in Boston. I began my career there working the ticket counter and gates, and then moved out to ramp. I also worked in catering and then moved to US Airways’ freight house and handled airway bills and drove a forklift. From there, I went into weight and balance and the ramp tower. I was an open agent so I was trained in many different departments to cover outages. I also spent a year at a small commuter airline called Bar Harbor Airlines.

What brought you to PSA? We moved to Charlotte a few years ago, and after 15 years in another profession, I missed the airline industry. What I missed most was the fast-paced environment and the transient nature of the whole business. I also missed the family environment. I am still very close with many of my former coworkers. When I saw an opportunity with PSA, it looked like a good fit for me. I was hired to be the administrator of the brand new Commuter Hotel Reimbursement Program, which was only a month old when I started. Another thing that attracted me was the family atmosphere in the job description and the fast growth.

Give us a brief overview of what you do: Some of my duties include overseeing the Chief Pilots’ inbox and verifying reimbursements. I am the administrator for three crew member security programs: KCM (Known Crew Member – A TSA-approved program for all active flight crew members that expedites the check-in process), CASS (Cockpit Access Security System – the program that allows pilots to use a jumpseat in the cockpit) and SIDA (a badge that allows access to secure areas). I also research delays tied to pilots to see if they are accurate.

What is one of the biggest challenges of your job? The biggest challenge of my job thus far was the network outage we experienced in June. I tried to help out in any way that I could during a very unusual and difficult situation. It was definitely an experience that taught me the importance of communication and how we were able to come together to get through it.

Where’s your favorite place you have traveled? It’s hard to pick just one; I would say Kauai, Ireland and Croatia are at the top of a long list. Because of both my airline career and my husband’s (He has worked for US Airways, and now American for 40 years), I have been able to visit 18 countries. In addition, our two children had visited nine countries before the age of 16.

What are some of your hobbies? I love to cook and bake. My favorite things to bake are Rugelach, a crescent-like cookie with cinnamon and raspberry jam and walnuts, and Pizzeles, an Italian waffle-like cookie with anise flavoring. My other hobbies include refinishing furniture, gardening and reading.

What does it mean to you to be a woman in aviation? When I started working in this industry, I went from working in a predominantly female environment to a male-dominated one. I was one of only a few women on the ramp at the time. Over the years, it has been nice to see a shift with more balance and diversity. Women have played a huge part in the history of the aviation industry and continue to do so. It’s nice to feel like I played a small part in that.

What do you love about working for PSA? Working for the Flight Ops Leadership team has been a very supportive and helpful work environment. I learn something new every day.

Would you recommend PSA and why? I would recommend PSA to anyone, especially someone wanting to work in the airline industry. PSA strives to be the best at what they do and it’s great to be a part of that.

What you do like about your base? The Charlotte hub is very busy and it’s nice to meet and welcome new faces on a daily basis. PSA has a great staff in CLT. We have fun and we laugh every day. We also have the best office potlucks.

Tell us something about your role that most people don’t know: My role sometimes adapts to the needs of the Chief Pilots’ Office. Occasionally, a situation will arise that I’m able use my union background and experience to help.

What has been the most rewarding part of your job? The most rewarding part has been the feedback I receive from the Flight Ops leadership. I am here to assist them and it’s nice to hear my contribution helps.

Tell us something no one knows about you: I worked in a public library for 15 years. I also have a long background in labor relations and contract negotiations. I worked for the Teamsters Union and AFSCME (American Federation for State County and Municipal Employees). I was also in the IAM (machinists union), but I stepped down when my children were young.

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