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Celebrating National HBCU Week: Joi Kennedy

January 10, 2023

Celebrating National HBCU Week: Joi Kennedy

Often, students and alumni of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) share how attending these institutions provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This National HBCU Week (Sept. 7 through Sept. 10), Flight Attendant (Carol) Joi Kennedy speaks to the sentiment.

According to “the purpose of this week is to encourage high-school aged youth to enroll into HBCU’s, provide scholarship dollars for matriculation and sustain a pipeline for employment from undergraduate school to corporate America.”

Right in step with the mission of HBCU Week, Joi shares how her favorite part about attending an HBCU aided in her readiness for “the real world”.

Attending an HBCU is one of the best decisions I made in my life. It’s hard to narrow down those wonderful four years into one favorite. However, with the autumn season upon us, I will say that homecoming is at the top of my list for favorite HBCU experiences.

Homecoming at an HBCU is more than just the last home game. It’s a reunion with the students and graduates that became family and the professors and staff that cared about me and helped to prepare me for the real world. It’s a block party, a festival, and an annual celebration of black excellence.

Homecoming is a sweet reminder that I would not be the woman I am today without the privilege of being an HBCU graduate.

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