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A life-saving journey for Princess

July 31, 2019

A life-saving journey for Princess

Shantell “Princess” Pooser thought that becoming the first special needs flight attendant for American Airlines last year was the highlight of her aviation dreams. That is, until this past week when team members came together to give her an experience she will never forget. Princess is a terminally ill teenager, and in 2018, PSA recognized her as an honorary flight attendant after flying more than 50 legs on PSA-operated flights from Columbia, South Carolina (CAE), to Cincinnati (CVG) for medical treatments and connecting with crew members on those flights. It was on one of those trips in 2017 when she met Captain Matt Coelyn and Flight Attendant Valarie Butler, and an instant bond was formed. With Princess’ latest surgery having a higher risk factor, American and PSA team members hosted gate-side celebrations fit for a princess on each leg of her journey. PSA also revealed a special tribute on the aircraft that Princess flew this week.

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